Small joint, great function
The temporomandibular joint (abbreviated TMJ, also called jaw joint) has to carry heavy loads on a daily basis. It is one of the most frequently used joints in the body. We use it while talking, chewing, laughing. Therefore, it is crucial that we can move the joint smoothly and painlessly.
A craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) is a possible reason for pain in the temporomandibular joints. We’ll explain what the term means, how it is diagnosed and what can be done against the pain.
Further symptoms of functional disorders
Among the accompanying symptoms are:
- Jaw pain
- Toothaches
- Earaches
- Head and face aches
Further characteristics are a strong development (hypertrophy) of the masticatory muscles (chewing muscles) as well as excessive wear of the tooth substances as a result of jaw clenching and teeth grinding (bruxism).
Weitere Symptome für Funktionsstörungen:
Begleitsymptome können sein:
- Kieferschmerzen
- Zahnschmerzen
- Ohrenschmerzen
- Kopf- und Gesichtsschmerzen sein.
Weitere Merkmale sind eine starke Ausprägung (Hypertrophie) der Kaumuskulatur sowie übermäßige Abnutzungserscheinungen der Zahnhartsubstanzen infolge von Kieferpressen und Zähneknirschen (Bruxismus).
What is CMD?
CMD is the abbreviation of the term craniomandibular dysfunction. It describes a functional disorder of the masticatory system. A functional analysis for CMD or suspected CMD is the first step in planning possible treatment steps. In the following, you will learn more about functional diagnostics and CMD therapy.
Functional diagnostics: Thorough examination for a successful treatment
We examine patients with acute or chronic pain in the jaw joint, muscle tension and jaw clicking are examined for the causes of their problems by means of a detailed diagnosis. In our practice, we carry out gnathological functional diagnostics in which the mobility and load-bearing capacity of the joints are examined. This way, we can find out where the problem lies and provide you with a reliable diagnosis and therapy recommendation.